




Terrestrial Arboreal Semi Temperate Woodland Tropical Woodland Tropical Aquatic Semi aquatic Savannah Heating Lighting

In the Savannah daytime temperatures are high but not as high as desert vivaria. A Temperature range of around 75-86°F (24-30°C) should be adequate depending on the species.

There should be a lot of cover in a savannah setting, cork bark and rockwork are advisable, these should be securely positioned, to avoid injury by falling rock. 

Coarse Gravel or light coloured wood chips make good substrates for this vivaria type.  Artificial decor, including plastic plants can be provided to create an attractive backdrop, artificial plants are easier to clean and therefore more hygienic and will also no t be eaten by the occupants.  However if you do choose live plants bare in mind that they will grow.  If you set the plants in pots and bury them in the substrate it will curtail there growth slightly.

Spray your savannah vivarium two or three times a week. To stimulate breeding, increase the humidity by more regular spraying or adding a water flow to mimic the onset of the rainy period.